Your reliable partner in childrearing

Planet Learning Academy is a licensed child care center established in June 2007 with the objective to create a safe and nurturing environment in Orlando, Florida where children under our care can thrive in the field of their interest. Under the supervision of our director, Eileen Ramos, and the efforts of our faculty members, we are able to sustain and enhance the quality of our services and extend these services to a wide age spectrum. We take into account the individual strengths and needs of children when developing the right program for them.

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer each child our care and the opportunity to develop their physical, social, cognitive, and emotional needs by promoting age-appropriate practices in a nurturing, safe, and stimulating environment.

Our Core Values

adult woman sitting together with kids

We treat our faculty and children with respect despite our differences. We aim to be the best role model for our little ones by teaching them the value of respect in oneself, to others, and in society. This is our contribution to the future of the country.

We value individuality in providing our services to children and families. We appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of our learners and teach them to acknowledge and respect their differences with their peers.

One of the objectives of our programs is for our young learners to acknowledge the value of being a team player. We collaborate with parents, guardians, and other professionals in providing the best care for our children. We believe in the power of teamwork as much as we believe in our individual capabilities.

For more details about our facilities at the center, feel free to schedule a tour with our team or talk to our representatives.